Face Time With Guests: A New Airbnb Host's Secret Weapon

Face Time With Guests: A New Airbnb Host's Secret Weapon
Minutes from Oakridge Business Park, Issa Suites is a haven of zen fulfilling your needs for a serene Cebu getaway.

June 8 - the day that tested my airbnb hosting skills.

My first inquiry didn't result in a booking because I failed to respond promptly. At that time, I was not familiar with how to activate mobile notifications. Rookie mistake.

The second inquiry came from a guest who was staying in the same building but wished to transfer to my unit. The only problem was, she couldn't make up her mind and confirm the booking. I mistakenly told her that I would hold the booking until midnight to wait for her decision. Darn, you can't do that when you've turned on Instant Booking.

It was the third inquiry that eventually became a confirmed booking. But this meant I had to turn down the 2nd guest who also wanted to book my space. All of these events unfolded on a single day, June 8, making me question my hosting abilities.

I've learned that while experience is the best teacher, the second-best is having someone share their lessons, so you don't stumble where they did.

Reading about these top three mistakes will certainly prepare you better than I was. Ready? Let's dive in:

You can find the "Availability" and set "Preparation Time" under the "Calendar" 
  1. Not setting preparation time: As a new host, you're eager to get started, but if you don't configure your calendar correctly, you may end up with back-to-back bookings. It's crucial to block off a night before or after each reservation during your initial month, ensuring you have time for cleaning and laundry.
  2. Underestimating cleaning and laundry time: Despite my past experience cleaning condo units part-time, it had been over a decade, and I was a bit rusty. Even with our 24 sqm space, keeping it spotless was challenging. We were well-prepared for our first guests after three months of preparation, but consecutive bookings posed a challenge.
  3. Forgetting parking: As someone without a car, I forgot to consider that some guests might need parking, especially those from Cebu. My first guests happened to need parking, and I was surprised to learn that it cost P500/night. To save them money, I offered them a free parking space in my landlord's gated house. This earned me my first 5-star review!
You will never forget the first-ever review.

In the end, everything worked out. I even received a private message from my first guest wishing me luck on my Airbnb journey, which seemed to bring in more bookings afterward.

Looking back, I did a few things right. Here are some tips that you might want to try:

  • Face time with guests: Despite initial anxiety about meeting strangers, I met my first guests in person. I babbled a bit at first, my small talk a little rusty. I told them I'm a new host and they were my first guests, showed them the space, and wished them a pleasant stay. That night, the guests extended their booking to two nights, possibly appreciating the honesty.
  • Offer Everything you can for guest's comfort: I provided two freshly laundered duvets instead of one, anticipating the needs of my guests, who were overseas Filipino workers. They appreciated the gesture, even leaving a "feels like home" comment.
  • Don't shy away from asking for reviews: While I tend to be shy, asking for feedback is essential, especially as a new host. Being explicit about wanting reviews, whether positive or negative, helps you learn and improve. To encourage guests to leave their feedback, leave a review first (especially if you feel that their stays were great - but if not, hold off - I'll discuss more about this in future posts).

So, that's the story of the first review on my Airbnb listing. It was just a short stay yet it packed a lot of lessons. Here are the three things I immediately did after the first booking:

  • Rent a parking space: This turned out to be a wise decision as subsequent bookings also requested parking. The cost was reasonable at 4k/mo, a relief from the initially feared 10k/mo.
  • Bulk purchase of toiletries: I learned from my mistake of not providing toiletries for my first guests. I now ensure the bottles are always filled and ready for guests.
  • Calendar management: I no longer promise to hold bookings without blocking the calendar. I've learned that it's simpler for interested bookers to confirm their reservations rather than making empty promises.

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